Redefining India’s Neighbourhood

Redefining India’s Neighbourhood


  • Leela K Ponappa Former Ambassador of India


There exists a widespread misperception that diplomats do not do much. Nonetheless, there is a need to be aware of the very comprehensive scope of diplomacy in recognising and pursuing India’s interest worldwide as a responsible member of the international community while taking care our national interests. Also, there are many opportunities today for the diplomats that did not exist before. For this, there is a need to delve into the practitioners view. For this purpose, the article is divided into four parts: first part includes concepts based on geography, secondly, significant features that arise from the geographical realities; thirdly, the issues for India and flowing from that India’s policy choices.




How to Cite

Leela K Ponappa. (2023). Redefining India’s Neighbourhood. Journal of Polity and Society, 14(2). Retrieved from